Organisational Health
We all understand the value of good health. The same is valid for business. Good companies come in all shapes and sizes. However, those who believe in a higher purpose beyond commercial or political gain are the ones who consciously seek ways in which they improve their contribution to the world around them.
Market Analysis
As part of our extensive research into ‘the how’, we undertook a sector-wide analysis of what the market was saying about our world of work. The results confirmed our suspicion that there was no other organisation focused on delivering on the ‘the how’…..
Improving Your Triple Bottom Line
We believe all sectors have a responsibility to serve both shareholders and stakeholders. We characterise the triple bottom line as; prosperity, people and planet.
As part of our commitment to making our World of Work simpler to manage, we use 20+ years of cognitive load expertise about how our brains process information.
Enabling ‘the how’
In a world with so much complexity developing competence can be accomplished in different ways. We believe that there is no learning without action. Working on real issues and learning together as individuals and teams create signature strengths that are hard for others to copy—thereby creating the basis for real differentiation and competitive advantage.
Head, Heart and Hands on Decision Making
At Be Future Ready Today, we use head, heart and hands-on decision making. Unlocking these senses is integral to the design blueprint of our toolkits that simplify our World of Work.
Elevating Your Strategic Thinking &
As leaders navigate a great deal of internal and external complexity, thinking strategically is one of the characteristics present in those that are highly effective.
Whilst some may think that being strategic is reserved for events that focus on the longer-term like once or twice yearly planning sessions, the opposite is true. Whilst it is widely recognised that there are five different thinking styles, real strategic thinkers act and ponder strategically as part of their daily routine.
Susan is incredible! She has been quite clear in approach and was successful in helping every member of the team learn several new and useful techniques